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A short film made during lockdown. 2020

Starring Samantha Bond, Alex Hansen, Tom Hansen, Molly Hansen, Roisin Keogh & James Dangerfield.

Writer, Producer, Directors | Nicola Quilter & Robert Del Maestro

DOP | Simon Butcher

Sound Design | Jim Carrey

A family, each member tearing their hair out in isolation, devise a treasure hunt at their home which goes very wrong when a secret is revealed. 

The father plants clues around the home and sits back to watch his family compete to find the ‘treasure’. It is meant to be fun and games but the cryptic clues are hard to decipher. There is griping, cheating and tempers fray. Then, during the treasure hunt, an accidental discovery leads to a shocking revelation. Is Dad hiding a dark secret? A showdown unearths the truth, which is far from expected but also a tender surprise. 

Filmed in Lockdown is a series of new works of literary, musical, visual, and performance arts, commissioned for Culture in Quarantine by Arts Council England and BBC Arts

Watch the full show on BBC iplayer until July 2021

Emily Harwood © 2023

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